Libraries is well-represented at Charleston Conference

Several of our librarians were active at the 2019 Charleston Library Conference this past November. First, there were two half-day pre-conference workshops. Heidi Tebbe and Danica Lewis’ session, Of Views and Slips and Usage Stats, of Data Frames and Strings: An Introduction to Collections Data Analysis, introduced participants to best practices for collections data analysis and the use of R for analysis work. Bertha Chang, Hilary Davis, Colin Nickels, and former colleague Alex Carroll taught a workshop, Learning by Listening: Identifying User Needs through Semi-Structured Interviews, which focused on practical aspects of using semi-structured interviews to better understand the needs of users. 

Bertha, Hilary, and Colin also gave a conference presentation that discussed ways libraries can support researchers: “You Must Run Twice as Fast as That”: Using Insights from Researchers to Align Library Support to Researchers’ Needs.  

Claire Leverett co-presented on NC LIVE’s work implementing the Summon discovery solution among partner libraries in From Rural Publics to Urban Universities: Implementing Discovery at a Statewide Level

Darby Orcutt participated on a panel entitled A New Sense of Campus Privacy? Are Libraries Out of Step? that explored new issues and perspectives around the topic of privacy and libraries.  

Micah Vandegrift also participated in a panel discussion called Annotation on Campus: Collaboration in the Classroom and Beyond!